lördag 9 juli 2016

My drawing of a yellow lego dragon

This is my new lego MOC. It is a yellow lego dragon done with only classic pieces for the most. The dragon has red eyes, yellow skin and white tags on the stomach and on the skin. But the dragon has a very short tail with tags on it too.  The dragon is also pretty big.

You can find my other drawings on my blog. You can find the build review of my MOC:s on my youtube channel. Click on the link below to come to the channel.

Always remember to be creative and build with the pieces you have. You can also replace pieces with other pieces in the build but still get the same design.


Here is my drawing for this model:


You can also follow my twitter account. Here is the link to my twitter account: My twitter account


lördag 18 juni 2016

Drawing of a storage box

This is my storage box. The storage box contain one drawer that is yellow. Two chimneys with little space to store stuff. You can also store stuff in the drawer. There it is space for more stuff to keep. You putt the drawer in the main box and on top of it is a roof with the chimneys. I'm going to do a video on this model and the other models I have write about on my channel. You can find my channel on:


Always remember to be creative and build with the pieces you have. You can also replace pieces with other pieces in the build but still get the same design.

You find the drawing on:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bze0WyAPMDahOHdzRGZFZVFXVEE/view?usp=sharing

You can also follow my twitter account. Here is the link to my twitter account: My twitter account


Here is some pictures on the model:

Drawing of my mascot

This is my mascot for my youtube channel. The mascot is a skeleton with a black classic hat but without no arms. The skeleton stands on a black rock with a orange bottle on the top of the rock.

You can find my channel on:


Always remember to be creative and build with the pieces you have. You can also replace pieces with other pieces in the build but still get the same design.


Here is the drawing for the model:


You can also follow my twitter account. Here is the link to my twitter account: My twitter account

Here is some pictures on the model:

fredag 17 juni 2016

Drawing of a mailboxmodel

This model is called the mailbox. It is called mailbox because it looks like a mailbox. The mailbox has the color yellow and it also has a magnet so you can set it on your freezer or the fridge. It also has a place with a hatch. The hatch can move up and down. But the place is pretty small. You can soon also find it and other stuff on my youtube channel.

My youtube channel is called Mr Brick the green. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXsRqiQNcV_COa2eTh-wqdw

Always remember to be creative and build with the pieces you have. You can also replace pieces with other pieces in the build but still get the same design.

Here is the drawing for the model:

My drawing of a mailbox

You can also follow my twitter account. Here is the link to my twitter account: My twitter account


Pictures on the model: