söndag 27 maj 2018

Weekly lego set review

Today I am going to review the BB-8 set, number 75187.

It is recommended from 10 to 16 and has 1106 pieces.

I really enjoyed to build this set. When I build it I repeated some steps very often, but to see the shape come through was very nice. The head can swing free and he also has his electric stick like in the movies. They give you a BB-8 in the mini figure form which is very nice and the set doesn't go apart easily.

But one of the best thing is to see it on display. The design is really nice and I think they have got it just right.

Everything in the set isn't perfect. I wish that the body could move like the head.

I really think you should buy this set. It is very nice to look on and as done to have on display. You can of course play with it and it is totally worth to buy even if it is going to be a toy to play with.

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